title: stil waitng for my tauhui went bloghopping, whil i am stil waiting. suddenly i realize very often i have enlarge and amplify the small things around me which i deemed as bad and minimize all the good things around me. this definitely sounds like bad eng. but who cares. ahah. my gp tutor probably. ahha. ya. life is too short to let me be upset over trivial, minor issues. i shld learn to cherish life and really do the stuff that makes me happy and at the same time works towards my goals. OMG my tauhui is back. ok anw, i shld lean to be more optimistic and independent. ! and most importantly. i tink i need to learn to enjoy life!
title: Good news? hmm, the cts got postponed. i wanted that at first and it came true. so scary. but on second thoughts it actually mean i have to sty for an additional week. so does it mean that i can go shopping now already.???ahha. not like besides my sister anyone else is free. haha. but its gss. and i have been couping at home for like damn ultra long. supposed to go out study liao. cos i have slacked since like after i got the news. yesterday. i paneed my own timetable le. now dunno how to alter to suit the cts. cos cannot study finish so fast ma. later wil forget everything. ahah. and plans to go out on the supossed youth day week is quite screwed up as it had become the cts week. anyway, it has been finalize so dont need to be so stress up. and june hjols are comign to an end soon. which is quite sad. lol. my last june hols and i spent it studying. ok. did i.? ahaha. myab half of it. oh wait. mayb even less tahn that. taking into acc my boys over flowers. haha.
no craving , dont feel like studing too. hmm. everyhting is quite in a blank. ahah. just slack. woohoo. !!! i would have more time to study. and can go for consultations in the first week. if i study finish the syallabus by then. haha. ok my mum is buying dou hua.i am off ! |
title: extended holidays? ok after one freaking hour, i am feeling better ready. ahahs. i tink. as long as i dont see those that i dont want to see. i am just. ya sick .. have faith. i heard as long as someone in singapore dies of H1N1 then we can get one more week of extended holiday!. ok its dam bad. i dont know wad to wish for. haha. but ya i need that extra one week mann!. haha.
title: i no longer know wad to do. i cannot continue like this anymore. i am just a veri fan person. ya how true is this. wow. i am just a weak person. i am just not so smart, i am just a burden. sorry thats just me. a crybaby.
i can no longer break down to ppl, i can no longer be normal, not now at least. at this moment only at this moment, i suddenly cant see the good in the world. |
title: stressed up! h my gosh. june hols is coming to an end. so fast. i cant believe this seriously! and i haven even complete one damn subject. i wonder wad i have been doing all this while . i dont get it. watching my show finishing it le.left last episode. then i she bu de watch. haha. feeling extremely tired cos i din get to nap earlier due to various reasons. irritating reasons. waste my time. i tink my studying speed is just ultra slow. cant help it. now i actually cants tink of wad i had been doing in the first two weeks. can i have one more mth of hols!!i love being at home in a way. dont wan to go back to sch. sian.
title: low mood din know its so difficult to forget, thought i had finally let go, until today. mayb i had just that ....the past always seem so beautiful. haha. i wonder how cold can the war at home get. hmm. lol.
hmm, shall start doing my testimonial. oh shit. hehe. seems kinda late le. and haven seriously start mugging. i am dead if i waste this hols. my gosh.! i miss nc, i miss the past. |
title: at home. oh wow, today is suppose to be like a family day, but everyone is gone. weirdly. haha. yesterday was a great day spent with wanxin, kq and mr tien. jst as i knew it, my family list of troubles are abt to begin, ahah, ya, in my dam alevel yr. wow. its like great. firsttime when there is really a family crisis, and its in my alvel yr. oh wow.
hope for the best outcome. i wil try to be more mature. try. |
title: stressed so many stuff to think abt, so many worries, no many stuff ongoing. feels very bz although i not doing anything. i just want to stay at home, for like the rest of m one month, and rest, i dont wan to go out, dont wan to interact with ppl, don wan to think of anything, i just wan t stay at home. but why does it sound so impossible. tired.
title: June hols! Finally, everything is over, ok its just harmoc concert actually. but ya, was super tired from al the harmoc practices. finally can take a rest. stil have to go for chem lesson later. wa sian. must start mugging liao!!its so difficult to start the momentum, but yet so easy for it to end. yesterday went with several ppl, really several, joel, chaili, junjek and chanwei to supposrt the cheerlead team. they came in fourth which was last in the finals la. it was quite sad, and i think they were really quite disappointed. dont be too upset TERENCE AND JUNREN!
(although i doubt they wil see this. haha lols) shal start studying soon, but i just feel like lazing arnd for a few days. so sian. ahahs. and just seep like wad hao hao say. sleep. ahahah. |