title: i feel like a snorlex! actually being a bel to sleep is a happy thing! besides eating that is my next favourite pastime.not talking on the phone anymore i think.past few days had been too busy with yj present and then was busy with my cousins, cos they came and visit my grandma, and it was really nice to be able to meet them. ahahs. and not forgetting being able to see why every sunday. hmm. my teenage life is really fun! not anything over-exciting but its always great. even sleeping at home makes me feel good.slept more than 12 hours today. ww. i really feel like a snorlex.sudden urge to eat pasta, hmm. and many many more. macdonald, kfc, wow. i just want to eat. OMG. next few days in sch would be very sian without someone! i will see a lot of mini chocolates. ahahahha. ok feel dam lame. but i dont think ppl will get it. take care girl! YOU ARE MISSED!
title: I think i might go crazy sometimes, i really feel suffocated. (wow, its a pun) at home. alevels is seriously breaking me up in one way or the other, yet its probably one of the most impt exam in my life, sth which i cant possibly give up. recent ct2 resultf for me were generally positive, got two As ready, for physics and maths. but mostly because the papers werent that tough i guess. hmm. chem was tough and got a D, one mark to C. But still. sometimes i get occasional bursts of stress. weirdly.
title: slacker! after exams le. but it feels like very shortly a new round is coming. and it is. there are so many stuff to do, that i decide to just dont do anything. wow, how constructive can that get. lazing around and reading my book are wad i jhave done for the whole day. and i just realised that my attachment teacher, the miss yang seems to have quite vjs. wad the heck. can i be more suay than this. i just wan to continue lazing arnd, like i did for the past week. yet there is piles of stuff to do, including a terrorism essay by tomolo 11am. so its like. whew.
i am just a stubborn person, super ultra stubborn. once i start doing sth, i wont stop until its over. but if i dont wan to do sth, i can procrastinate like mad. omg, so this is me. one of the things that i need to do now, is to finish my book, and one that id ont want to do now is to write my essay . oh wadever. mayb thats why, i never know wad i want, cause wad i want might be conflicting with what i am stubborn abt. or am i just another practical and unemotional being. not forgetting selfish and irreponsible. yes these are my traits. i suck! not an emo post, just stating the facts. oh i can go purposely go downstairs just to buy my oreos, ppl might not be able to see it as a stubborn act, but it is. cos i seldom go down to buy stuff, unless i realli want it. but at the same time towards other stuff, that are more complicated then buying oreos, i lack the courage. i am stubborn but lack the courage to put thoughts into action. so ya. again. i suck. |
title: Good Job! i made a brave try today. i feel great! and happy. ! a lot of tutorials lagging behind, but no mood to mug, shall start tomolo come up with a timeline or sth. or i will just sian arnd for the next few weeks again. i will continue to try to face up to it! i Can do it!
oh ya i went for third period today, and junren damn cute, he keep jumping. hahah. seriously just jump and jump and jump! woo! |
title: I AM YOUR MISS LEFT! Hello Mr Right, quick come for me, i am looking forward to meeting you!i promise i wont be childish again, i promise i will only love you and only you, i promise i wont take you for granted again. come to me MR RIGHT!
hhahah. going crazy these days, keep wanting to get married. haha.started off when i was mugging actually. ok now i cant wait. to live with the person i love, wake up and the first person i see will be him.! OH MY GOD ! so excited. ok i shall stop the rubbishing. back to sch today, lots of work piled up for me. i am going nuts. 2 pieces of tuition hmk ready, work seems to be never-ending. not forgetting complex nos. which i seriously know nuts abt. and today mrs chua gave out bad news abt the first qn. that i suppose most of us did. oh well... the only thing i wan to end is pe! haah. but it doesnt seem to be ending, at least still have like one full month of pe!. shucks! irritating!. ok la. over exaggerated. went out for the past few days, did some catching up. but now have to switched back to work mode. so fast.! pure irritating.anw my mum's cooking curry, and i just ate plenty of mangoes. shall do my chem mindmap later. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
title: cts tomolo! cts tomolo.i am feeling sick even before going for cts ready. ahha. anw, just realise recently that small things that ppl do for me always go unnoticed. yesterday night my dad suddenly say 'oh your exam coming ready, have to buy more sweets again' then i stunned there, i have never realised that he bought these sweets recently cos he know i eat a lot of candies during exams. really very touched. although i din say. i was boasting to my sister after that. ahah. not exactly boasting la. but ya. today my grand ma and mum made a very nice 'xia bing' those that can be bought at bakery i think , not the calbee one. ahha. feels very homely. hah. they were all making it whiel i was isolating myself, attempting to study but failed, cos i ran out to eat shortly. ahah.
comign to vj has really gave me a lot of stress, i can really feel it,. omg, seriously, the confidence level also dropping like mad, this cts mean a lot to me, but yet i cannot overcome this psychological barrier. the psychological barrier in me is getting stronger, and self motivation(although i am dam good at it) is becoming useless. just feeling very very nervous now. dunno for wad. |
title: life is so interesting Indeed life is very very interesting. you reaped what you sow. lol. this is extremely random. but i have seen so many examples of this recently. in ppl arnd me. the lesson learnt: do more good , and be true and good to ppl. never be self-centred and make more frens. they come in handy.
from young, i have always looked up to my parents as role models. Although, they werent highly educated, nor were they having very successful in their careers, i think they have really thought me a lot of life lessons. i think people that are more highly educated , the supposedly smarter ppl are also the ppl who are more selfish. weirdly. or mayb its because these ppl are too practical. i realise being too practical in life just takes away all the fun and even emotions. ok , back to real life, haha. common tests 2 is coming, and the whole schedule for this term and next term sounds really scary. like not much time for revision. lol. shall mug mug mug!!!. cant help it that i only feel motivated before i sleep. lol. |