title: hmm... Staying at home is really nice, waking up at 11pm etc etc. haha. better food to eat smemore. ok thats not the main thing. today weather is quite chilly. and my mum was complaining how she is feelng the cold. guess what my dad replied. haha. "hug me then not cold liao. " ultimate. win liao. i shall pretend i dont understand dialects.
title: 9 Days to prelims! Oh wow. its been a long long time since i updated. hahah. many many things have happened. hmm. cannot remember wad are the many many things. haha. 9 days to gp paper. thats pretty scary and fast. the vjc part of my life is comign to an end. thats really fast. really learnt a lot in terms of lifeskills and made a lot of sincere friends. academic wise mayb not so good. cos i am too slack for words. sian. alevels. the stepping stone to the door of NUS!. hahaha. its has always been my dream since yound to enter university. i have always heard of how hard it is to gain entry. even up to this point. i am still filled with uncertainty. no confidence. i have certain goals in mind that i want to achieve, but i am too easily distracted. there is less than 70 days to actual alevels. so near to my goals yet so far to really attaining it. i know i would regret deeply if i did not get the results i want. cos although i have thoroughly enjoyed the process, i need the results. ok this is damn saddening. i shldnt place too much pressure on myfelf and ppl reading this post. ahah. work hard! for unfufilled dreams and goals.
title: LIFE IS FAIR! oh well. life is really fair. if u push ppl into hell, you will suffer too, similarly, i have to handle the consequences of the actions i have taken. not much of a choice. haha. think i seem to sound like a more and more depress person . haha. no la. just come to terms with that le. there are always things that i will regret . in fact there are so many decisions. but just as yeqi says, if i am placed in that same scenario again, i will most probably make the same decision. so. ya. i am just sorry. went blog-hopping. not that i was very free. but theat ppl were all bz. haha.SUPER JUNIORS REALLY QUITE NICE SIA>! haha.