title: the process? Just had an interesting talk with my neighbour. an insightful one in fact. i have always been one that cared more for the result then anything.yep. so practical right. mystyle. hahaha! come to think of it, maybe the process is really more important than the result afterall. that really depends on what i want to achieve out of my university life. mug hard and maybe clinch a first class honours or try to ahve a balanced sch life and end up having 2nd lower or if lucky 2nd upper. hahah! good questions tot hink abt. i have always wanted the best of everything. but recently, over the mths, i have come to realise that its almost impossible.
anyway, have been having quite a lot fun recently. esp with grypas. had our first steamboat today! we had so much leftovers man! played zongjimima to clear the food. and i wil miss so many outings tml! hall stuff nbs stuff! sad sad!:( |
title: oh gosh! first week of sch with only lectures only and its like killing me already! i haven even join cca, and everything else yet! but i already feel so tired! i guess i really need one whole day of rest! been too shag recently! next week gonna be so super packed too! i guess i am just not used to leading such a packed life! but actually i cant pinpoint how it became so packed also! seriously! mostly social obligations! i feel like i am spending lesser and lesser time at home! feels so bad some time! uni life is all abt time management and probably prioritizing! i haven really picked up that skill yet i guess. sadly to say!
procrastination is the thief of time! how true! |
title: another hectic week with many activities! but not related to sch work! haha! hmm! just came back from JASH! super awake now! saw quite a lot of ppl in zouk! was quite ok until everyone starts getting drunk and puking. never really see anyone puke but ya! and yanting kena some damn scary and random thing while we are all at jash! i srsly dunno wad to say! she really quite suay!
i am stil so glad that wx and kq same hall as us and i hope that can get to know more ppl in hall 9 soon!:D everyone seem pretty nice! seem at least! wa sounds so sadist! haha! but my blk is like lau ren yuan liao can! haha! all seniors! i wil need more time to mingle witht hem before i can join them in the other activities i suppose:D thinking of joining some sports also! so that can burn off some fats! recently relaly too fat liao la! cant stand it! realise i din really like clubbing that much! haha! after today although grypas og guys are really nice! not forgetting changtai andjeremy of course! but cause its an ntu eveent, can see ppl taking care of the drunk ppl! the feeling is not bad actually:D like genuine care :D din really understand biz law lecture today! i guess when sch work really start to pile up life would be quite stress! stil have quite a lot of tutorials and lecture notes to print! think i have to settle them all tml at some library! and i haven start brainstorming which cca to join! gosh! this is badddddd!!! must join at least one cca to destress! anw yq is crashing tml! and there is buffet again tml as freshmen welcome ceremony:D cool:D:D heheh |
title: sch is startinggggggggg oh gosh! yep sch is finally starting after so long! i wil have to chiong so much for the next 3 mths! quite worried actually! cause i heard group A is the super chiong one! sad sad! gpa is bell curve somemore!!!! gosh! so excited and yet so worried! cant wait for presentations and projects! i heard even acc will have projects! dont think i joining any main com for anything! definitely will join cca though! uni will definitely be very exciting!
anw, back to reality! haha! super broke at the moment! recently keep spending! in a very bad shopping mode! keep buying new clothes claiming its for uni! haha ! in case my nbs frens keep saying i keep re-wearing! just bought like 2 other shorts today with yq at the flea:D bought quite a lot of good buys! wahahha!! excited:DDDDDDDDDDDDD lectures is starting on monday! and yq is crashing on wed!!! there is jash on tues and nbs dnd on fri! gosh life is gonna be so hectic for me this week!:D still on the road of discovering myself! did quite a bit of self-reflecting recently! anw! self relection is good! really! moving in to hall will also make me treasure my family more too! my sis even prepared stationary for me for sch:D not forgetting the stuff my parents helped me prepare! feels so blessed at the moment! all the shit that i went thru and the unlucky stuff seemed to al have disappeared:D woots:D |