title: suddenly while talking to dad, i realsied how aimlessly i have come around this whole or half a sem. i have just been floating around, attempting to adapt to ahll life and sch work. i suppose. however, at the same time, aimlessly. without any aim i jsut continue to lead my life day by day like a routine. i seem to have forgotten of wad i wanna achieve. and yes the good question is wad is it that i wanna achieve? htht every day till the wee hours? excellent social life , hall life? i suppose u cant possibly have eveything good socail life, academic grades, and everything. how can anyone e so perfect. but then if so, nbs is definitely filled with weird ppl. haha. cause many of them are like that, not forgetting the element of good looks and good in sports, and possibly musically inclined? haha! should i go with reality or go with wad i really want? i suppose this is an important question for myself. i cant possibly just pursue wad i want w.o any consideration of my future salary and stuff right? that just sounds dumb and not me. gosh! make myself sound so so practical. i always hope to learn new stuff, step out of my comfort zone and learn. yep thats me. make new frens have good social life. thats me too. be smart, have good grades, thats me too. oh gosh i aim to be such a perfect person. can i ever reach that stage. i wonder.
no stress. but yep. maybe its time to start thinking of wad i shld major in. have been floating around too much and not studying already. kinda shocked at myself. but its not really that surprising. since i usually will float around at first in a new environment. however, in uni there is totally no time for me to float around and pause. yep not ime at all. i can only proceed forward. glad that i realised this at the start of the recess week. a balance uni life is wad i aim to have but ultimately, studies i shall put it as my first priority. now social life is kinda of my first proiority. i need to shift and adjust my priorities already, before it ends up too late for anything. :D |